Different Types Of Countertop Edges

When choosing the style of countertop to add to their home, many homeowners do not pay attention to the style of the countertop edges.  In fact, many homeowners believe that the countertop edges only come in two different styles, square and rounded.  This could not be farther from the truth.  There are over a dozen different decorative styles that can be applied to the countertop edges and each is desirable in their own way.  There are also many different ways to enhance the countertop edges to make them more dramatic in appearance.  The styling of the countertop edges is dependent on the type of countertop it is being applied to and the wishes of the homeowner purchasing the countertop.

ImageCertain styles of countertop edges may be limited to certain types of countertops.  Suppliers that create custom countertops will offer the purchaser a choice of edging designs that can be used when manufacturing the countertop.  When it comes to custom built countertops, the fancier the countertop edges are, the more expensive the countertop will be.  For some of the more expensive types of countertop edges, the cost of the original countertop will increase dramatically.

The most common types of countertop edges are the straight edges.  With the straight edge, the entire countertop is squared with everything meeting at right angles.  Many countertops purchased for do-it-yourself projects feature a straight edge because it is easier for beginners to work with.  Most of the basic, inexpensive countertops will also feature a straight edge to keep prices low and the countertop affordable.

There are a few variations to the straight edge that remain simple, but are more decorative than the general straight edges.  One variation in straight countertop edges is the style known as a quarter round.  For this style, the top edge of the countertop is rounded off to create a softer look.  In a double quarter round, both the top and the bottom edges are rounded off.  Both of these styles are intended to soften the countertop edges so that they are not as sharp and pronounced.  Many individuals that have younger children in the home choose to go with the quarter round or double quarter round styles so that their children do not hurt themselves on sharp corners.

Another modification common to the straight edge style of countertop edges is the bullnose.  With the bullnose style of countertop edges, the top edge of the countertop is dramatically rounded to create a more circular shape to the countertop edges and a full bullnose rounds the edges into a perfect half circle.  Both of these styles are very popular and are easily achieved without adding a great deal of cost to the price of the countertop.

Many individuals like the look of beveled countertop edges, where the edges of the countertop are carved into 30 to 45 degree angles all the way around the countertop.  The beveled edge is perhaps the most popular option for decorative countertop edges and can be found in the products of many different retailers.  The beveled edge may also be the hardest decorative edge for an individual completing a do-it-yourself project to accomplish on their own as it is very easy to create the angles at different degrees.

More types of decorative countertop edges include a dupont, which is characterized by a straight edge on a countertop dropping straight down into a curve. The rock face style of edging creates a rough, uneven edge on the countertop, slightly resembling the side of a mountain.  This type of decorative edging is commonly used on countertops that do not see a great deal of use as this type can be quite painful if brushed up against the wrong way.

Some of the more expensive countertop edges include the ogee style, the waterfall style, and the cove style.  Each of the styles includes very detailed designs and scalloped edges to create a unique look.  These types of countertop edges are typically reserved for custom countertops that are made of expensive stone or wood.

Each of the different styles of countertop edges can be combined with another type of countertop edge to create a truly unique style.  The bullnose can be combined with a straight edge to create a countertop that is rounded on one end and square on the other.  Some individuals choose to combine the ogee style with the bullnose style to create a look that is all their own.  When it comes to countertop edges, the possibilities are endless.

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